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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Travelling to Singapore with kids less than 3 years

I have a small daughter whose 2 years old. I have tried to compile some items which were very helpful while moving in singapore with my daughter

1. Pram is very useful while travelling with kids since you have to walk a lot and spend whole day visiting places. All places are pram friendly and kids can also sleep whenever they are tired.

2. Please carry a water to drink since the climate is generally sultry throughout the year. Water bottle is more convenient than pet bottles for kids since you are always on move.

3. Lots of Foodies are drinks are available at all the places but could be a little expensive. Also you may not be at the foodies counter during lunch time or snacks time. Vegetarians dont have too many options . Its better to carry sandwiches or dry items like wafers biscuits etc which can be had while sightseeing itself.

4. Milk in all flavours (plain, strwaberry, chocolate, banana etc) in various size (150 ml, 250 ml 500 ml) tetra packs are available at most of the local shops in the market. they are very convenient to carry for kids.

5. Carry a back bag to carry stuff for your kids so that your hands are free while sightseeing

6. Dont forget to carry swimming costumes and extra pair of clothes for kids since quite a few places have wet areas where the kids would love to play.

7. Its advisable to carry basic medicines which kid may require for colic pain.

8. Carry wet and dry tissue paper packs as they are very conveneint to use with kids

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